

Rule #21: Be kinder than you have to be.

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“Be kinder than you have to be.” It’s such a simple but impactful idea, to be kinder than you have to be. In reality, we don’t have to be kind at all. We can choose to be unkind. And we can choose to be kind. Our choices and acts of kindness (or unkindness) are more

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Adoption Story

Rule #20: Adoption is hard.


Did you know that November is National Adoption Awareness Month? Neither did I. Does it make me a bad mother for not knowing this until a few days ago? Maybe. Or maybe it just means that there are so many national awareness months to celebrate, that I can’t possibly keep track of them all. But

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Rule #19: We celebrate one another.

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We celebrate one another. We celebrate one another’s accomplishments, big and small. And we definitely celebrate birthdays! Growing up, birthdays were a big deal in my house. My mom and dad went out of their way to be sure my sister and I felt very special on our birthdays. We always had birthday parties with

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Rule #17: Sundays were meant to be purple.


Life can be extremely difficult some days, some weeks, and even the duration of many seasons. Chris and I are just coming out of a few weeks that have been extremely difficult. Actually, we’re coming out of a few years that have been full of difficulties. On Sunday, September 8, 2019, Beverly Willard – aka

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Rule #16: Love makes a family.

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There’s a saying I hear often in the adoption community: love makes a family. As the Willard Family of Five celebrates our one-year family anniversary, I’ve had this saying in my head for the past few weeks. I’ve also been trying to hold on to this incredible life-giving saying, which truly fills my heart with

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Rule #14: Snacks are for the weak, not for me.

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Ok. Snacks are not just for the weak. Snacks are for everyone. But one Saturday morning while watching tv with the girls, I asked BW if she wanted a snack. Her response? “Snacks are for the weak, not for me.” I’ve loved that line ever since. Before we became the Willard Family of Five, I

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