Life can be extremely difficult some days, some weeks, and even the duration of many seasons. Chris and I are just coming out of a few weeks that have been extremely difficult. Actually, we’re coming out of a few years that have been full of difficulties.
On Sunday, September 8, 2019, Beverly Willard – aka Chris’s mom, my mother-in-law and the girls’ Grandma Bev – passed away. She had fought against brain cancer for over a decade and finally won the battle. As she would say, she has slipped into her new body and is now sitting at the feet of her best friend Jesus.
BW with Grandma Bev MW holding Grandma Bev’s hand SW getting a kiss from Grandma Bev BW & MW giving hugs and kisses to Grandma Bev
But even in the midst of death and grief and pain, life happens. Homework continues. Social events are ongoing. Visiting other family members continues. Birthday parties occur. And the celebration of our one-year family anniversary happened. Add to that, our air conditioner, furnace and part of the electricity at our house went out. Again, life continues.
In the middle of death and grief and arranging all things post death for Beverly, Chris and I have hardly had a moment to do much else. But we’re finally getting back to our routine and back to our new normal. Our new normal includes finding a new Sunday afternoon ritual. For over three years, we had visited Grandma Bev in the nursing home on Sundays. We’re now determining what Sunday afternoons will include.
Chris and I had decided a couple weeks ago that we would remember Grandma Bev on Sunday afternoons. It seems only fitting since we visited her every Sunday. Plus, she passed away on a Sunday afternoon.
Sunday afternoons were made for purple.
An easy way to remember Grandma Bev on Sunday afternoons is with the color purple, her favorite color.
Well, I thought this would be an easy way to remember Grandma Bev as I walked into the store with BW and MW. The only direction I gave them was to find something purple. We discussed finding purple cookies, candies, ice cream, and flowers. But after wandering throughout all the aisles for several minutes, they finally found the perfect memorial item:
Pumpkins painted as witches with purple hats.

Um, sure? It is purple. And that was the only direction I gave them. So we’re remembering Grandma Bev with these miniature pumpkins. Painted as witches. Wearing purple witches hats.
I can’t wait to see what memorial item we’ll find next week as we remember Grandma Bev!
What a beautiful show of love for Grandma Bev! It’s seasonal—& it’s purple!! Good job, Girls! ???
I love that they chose these fun, festive and purple pumpkins! They’re having fun celebrating Grandma Bev on Sundays!