
About Me

This blurry picture was taken by BW on the day we brought her home. It may not be the best picture, but I love it.

Thanks for joining me on this crazy journey of our transracial adoptive family of five! First off, introductions. I’m Lindsey Willard, mother to three beautiful, rambunctious black girls. I’m hopelessly white and so is my husband, Chris. Our house and home is in St. Louis, where we discover new rules for living every day.

In my former life, I was a foodie, indie rock junkie, Beatles fan, marathon runner, avid reader, and granola eating-processed foods hating-organic only girl. In my current life, so much has changed! I’m learning how to incorporate organic, natural, local and seasonal foods into a diet for five people without breaking the bank. I’m also trying to get back into reading more and running regularly. I wear athleisure wear most the time so that counts, right? But the Beatles fan thing is still a thing.

About the Girls

We brought our three girls home in the summer of 2017 and adoption was finalized in the fall of 2018! Our girls – BW, MW, and SW – are blood sisters. We adopted them domestically. When they moved into our house and our lives, we went from zero kids to three kids under the age of five overnight!

All adoption stories are unique so we are not different in that way. However, we are unique in the fact that we had not filled out even the preliminary paperwork for adoption before the girls were placed with us. And then three weeks later, they moved into our house and our lives forever changed.

About the Blog

Willard House Rules is primarily a blog about the perspective of living life as a white mother to three black children, being a minority in my own home, the rules that we live by, and the crazy journey that life is. You’ll learn more about our adoption journey, our adventures as a family of five, the ups and downs of life in our house, and how we get through each day.

This isn’t your average love letter adoption story. Although I love the girls with all that is in me, life is messy. Life is hard. Life is fun. Life is exhausting. And I cry a lot. I will be real about life. I will share joys with you. And I will share how difficult life is with three young kids who had a life and family before us. If you’re ready to go on this journey with us, we’d love to have you part of our story!

About Privacy

Although I will share stories of our girls, I only use their initials and not their full names to protect their identities. I am also happy to share pictures of them with you, but you will not see their faces. Once the girls are old enough to make the decision for themselves, they can decide what personal information and images are online for the world to see.

About Connecting

I would love to connect with you about our adoption, being a mother, or just life in general! You can follow me on Instagram and Facebook @WillardHouseRules and #WillardHouseRules to see more pictures of the Willard Family of Five and hear more behind the scenes stories.